CPD Completion Certificate

Upon completion of this eLearning course, you will be awarded a certificate with 5 hours CPD. Please note that if you are a member of Engineers Ireland, this event can be recorded as CPD.  You can record this activity in the My CPD section on your profile.


  • 1

    Introduction to Structural Dynamics

    • Welcome

    • Introduction

    • Illustrative Examples

    • Dynamic Behaviour

    • Statics Vs Dynamics

    • Types of Dynamic Load

    • Wind Vs Earthquakes

    • Knowledge Checks for 'Introduction to Structural Dynamics'

  • 2

    Single Degree of Freedom Systems (SDOFs)

    • Learning Objectives

    • Introduction

    • Initial Example

    • Undamped SDOF

    • Undamped SDOF – Free Vibration Equation of Motion

    • Example Problem 1

    • Damped SDOFs - Introduction

    • Damped SDOFs – Equation of Motion

    • Damped SDOF Response - Interpretation

    • Example Problem 2

    • Knowledge Checks for 'Single Degree of Freedom Systems (SDOFs) '

  • 3

    Forced Vibrations of SDOFs

    • Learning Objectives

    • Periodic Loading of SDOFs

    • Periodic loading – Equation of Motion for SDOF

    • Response Ratio

    • Dynamic Amplification Factor

    • Resonance

    • General Dynamic Loading

    • Example Problem 3

    • Knowledge Checks for 'Forced Vibrations of SDOFs'

  • 4

    Multi Degree of Freedom Systems (MDOFs)

    • Learning Objectives

    • SDOF Vs MDOF

    • MDOF Equations of Motion

    • Mode Shapes

    • Two Degree of Freedom (DOF) Example

    • Example Problem 4

    • Knowledge Checks for 'Multi Degree of Freedom Systems (MDOFs)'

  • 5

    Dynamics of Civil Engineering Structures

    • Learning Objectives

    • Damping - Introduction

    • Sources of Damping

    • Structural Control

    • Supplemental Damping Devices (TMDs)

    • TMDs in Practice

    • General Practical Dynamic Advice

    • Knowledge Checks for 'Dynamics of Civil Engineering Structures'

  • 6

    Feedback Survey

    • Please complete survey questions and provide feedback